
Why You Need a Solar Battery Backup System for Home?

Why You Need a Solar Battery Backup System for Home?

2023-06-02 16:18:00

Blackouts are becoming more frequent, with major outages now 10 times more common than they were in the mid-1980s, according to one study. This worsening power situation is the result of aging transmission grids and increasing extreme weather events induced by climate change. These power headaches come at a bad time; we now have more devices and are working from home more than ever before, meaning our need for a constant and reliable supply of electricity is only growing.


As a homeowner, we rely on electricity to power our daily lives. From turning on the lights to cooking meals, electricity is an essential part of our daily routine. However, power outages can happen at any time, leaving us in the dark and without the necessary resources to live comfortably. This is why investing in a renewable whole-home backup solution is crucial. And these is the BENEFITS OF HAVING A SOLAR BATTERY BACKUP FOR YOUR HOME:

1. Stored energy is pulled from your batteries rather than the grid, saving money.

2. Stored energy maintains power supply to essential appliances during outages, giving you peace of mind.

3. Excess stored energy is still sent back to the grid for utility credits.

4. Backup batteries are beneficial in areas that experience unpredictable weather and long-lasting outages.

5. Stored energy reduces your homes carbon footprint.


But with so many options available, how do you choose the right backup solution for your home? Here are some factors to consider:

1. Power Needs: The first step in choosing a backup solution is to determine your power needs. Consider the appliances and electronics you want to power during an outage and calculate the total wattage required. This will help you choose a backup solution that can provide enough power to meet your needs.

2. Renewable Energy Source: Renewable energy sources like solar and wind power are eco-friendly and sustainable. Consider investing in a backup solution that uses renewable energy sources to power your home during outages.

3. Battery Storage: Backup solutions that use renewable energy sources typically require battery storage to store excess energy. Consider the size and capacity of the battery storage when choosing a backup solution.

4. Size: Backup solutions come in different sizes, ranging from small portable generators to large standby generators. Consider the size of your home and the space available for the backup solution when choosing the right size.

5. Noise Level: Backup solutions can be noisy, so consider the noise level of the solution you choose. If you live in a densely populated area, you may want to choose a backup solution that is quieter.

6. Installation: Backup solutions require installation, so consider the installation process and cost when choosing a solution. Some solutions may require professional installation, while homeowners can install others.

7. Cost: Backup solutions can vary in cost, so consider your budget when choosing a solution.     While some solutions may be more expensive upfront, they may save you money in the long run by providing reliable power during outages and reducing your reliance on traditional power sources.

Choosing the right renewable whole-home backup solution can provide peace of mind and ensure that your home remains powered during outages. By considering your power needs, renewable energy source, battery storage, size, noise level, installation, and cost, you can choose a backup solution that meets your needs and budget while also reducing your carbon footprint.


Yohoo elec can provide the home energy storage products and energy storage solutions you need, contact us for further information


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